Bushfire and ice
View Sequence overviewStudents will:
- examine the importance of controlled conditions in bushfire research.
- learn how models can be used to support the fighting of fires and protecting lives.
Students will represent their understanding as they:
- measure the speed at which a fire travels.
- compare how different factors affect the rate at which a fire spreads.
- discuss the limitations of the models that they develop.
In this lesson, assessment is formative.
Feedback might focus on:
- explaining the different ways in which science and society are interconnected.
- selecting and constructing appropriate representations to organise, process and summarise data and information.
- analysing and connecting data and information to identify and explain patterns, trends, relationships, and anomalies.
- evaluating the validity of conclusions and claims.
- analysing methods and conclusions to identify facts or premises that are taken for granted to be true, and evaluate the reasonableness of those assumptions.
- constructing logical arguments based on evidence to support conclusions and evaluate claims.
- selecting and using content, language and text features effectively to achieve their purposes when communicating their ideas, findings and arguments to specific audiences.
Potential summative assessment
Students working at the achievement standard should:
- investigate how advances in technologies enable advances in science, and how science has contributed to developments in technologies and engineering.
- describe how they have addressed intercultural considerations when using secondary data.
- analyse the key factors that contribute to science knowledge and practices being adopted more broadly by society.
- select and construct appropriate representations to organise, process and summarise data and information.
- analyse and connect data and information to identify and explain patterns, trends, relationships, and anomalies.
- analyse the impact of assumptions and sources of error in methods and evaluate the validity of conclusions and claims.
- construct logical arguments based on evidence to support conclusions and evaluate claims.
- select and use content, language, and text features effectively to achieve their purpose when communicating their ideas, findings, and arguments to specific audiences.
Refer to the Australian Curriculum content links on the Our design decisions tab for further information.
Whole class
Bushfire and ice Resource PowerPoint
Access to the internet and YouTube for videos on bushfires
Bushfire data Answers sheet
Each group
CSIRO Spark bushfire data Resource
Each student
Individual science notebook
Modelling fire travel Resource sheet
The Inquire phase allows students to cycle progressively and with increasing complexity through the key science ideas related to the core concepts. Each Inquire cycle is divided into three teaching and learning routines that allow students to systematically build their knowledge and skills in science and incorporate this into their current understanding of the world.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to consider the knowledge and skills that students will need in the final Act phase. Consider what the students already know and identify the steps that need to be taken to reach the level required. How could you facilitate students’ understanding at each step? What investigations could be designed to build the skills at each step?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkRe-orient
Recall the previous lesson, focusing on:
- the combustion reaction.
- biomass as the fuel in a bushfire.
- how throwing another log on a fire (or blowing on a fire) can make it burn higher.
The Inquire phase allows students to cycle progressively and with increasing complexity through the key science ideas related to the core concepts. Each Inquire cycle is divided into three teaching and learning routines that allow students to systematically build their knowledge and skills in science and incorporate this into their current understanding of the world.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to consider the knowledge and skills that students will need in the final Act phase. Consider what the students already know and identify the steps that need to be taken to reach the level required. How could you facilitate students’ understanding at each step? What investigations could be designed to build the skills at each step?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkFollowing an investigation, the Integrate routine provides time and space for data to be evaluated and insights to be synthesized. It reveals new insights, consolidates and refines representations, generalises context and broadens students’ perspectives. It allows student thinking to become visible and opens formative feedback opportunities. It may also lead to further questions being asked, allowing the Inquire phase to start again.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider the diagnostic assessment that was undertaken during the Launch phase. Consider if alternative conceptions could be used as a jumping off point to discussions. How could students represent their learning in a way that would support formative feedback opportunities? Could small summative assessment occur at different stages in the teaching sequence?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkFire risks
Discuss the risks of being caught in a fire (being aware of students’ prior experiences or anxieties).
Show the 360° video of a bushfire: Video of crown fire during a prescribed burn in the New Jersey Pine Barrens 2019 (1:50).
Pose the question: How can we predict how a fire will behave?
Watch the video How to predict the spread of a bushfire with a ‘Pyrotron’ (5:08).
The Inquire phase allows students to cycle progressively and with increasing complexity through the key science ideas related to the core concepts. Each Inquire cycle is divided into three teaching and learning routines that allow students to systematically build their knowledge and skills in science and incorporate this into their current understanding of the world.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to consider the knowledge and skills that students will need in the final Act phase. Consider what the students already know and identify the steps that need to be taken to reach the level required. How could you facilitate students’ understanding at each step? What investigations could be designed to build the skills at each step?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkThe Investigate routine provides students with an opportunity to explore the key ideas of science, to plan and conduct an investigation, and to gather and record data. The investigations are designed to systematically develop content knowledge and skills through increasingly complex processes of structured inquiry, guided inquiry and open inquiry approaches. Students are encouraged to process data to identify trends and patterns and link them to the real-world context of the teaching sequence.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider the diagnostic assessment (Launch phase) that identified the alternative conceptions that students held. Are there activities that challenge these ideas and provide openings for discussion? What content knowledge and skills do students need to be able to complete the final (Act phase) task? How could you systematically build these through the investigation routines? Are there opportunities to build students’ understanding and skills in the science inquiry processes through the successive investigations?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkFire behaviour
Brainstorm all the factors that might affect the way a fire behaves. Consider factors that might affect the intensity of the fire, or how fast it spread.
Ideas that might arise include:
- humidity
- topography (uphill)
- topography (downhill)
- cut or grazed grassland
- cultural burned burning
- prescribed/back burning
✎ STUDENT NOTES: Record the brainstorm ideas.
Optional: Demonstrate how the angle of fuel and flame interact:
- Light a match and hold it with the flame at the vertical top—the match burns slowly and can sometimes go out.
- Light a match and hold horizontally—the match will burn faster than a vertical match.
- Flames burn faster if the fuel is uphill (consider the placement of fingers when demonstrating this).
Discuss how there are multiple ways to measure how fast a fire can spread or in what direction.
- Why might it be important to measure how fast the fire is travelling or in which direction it will travel?
- How could firefighters or scientists measure how fast a fire is travelling?
- Comparing the time and location that a fire reaches a particular point using people on the ground, planes, drones or satellite images.
- How could firefighters or scientists measure which direction a fire is travelling?
- Comparing the time and location that a fire reaches a particular point using people on the ground, planes, drones or satellite images.
Divide the class into groups and provide each group with the CSIRO Spark bushfire data resource.
(Slide 59) Explain that each group will examine a set of data to look at a single factor that affects the spread of a fire over time and compare it to a controlled burn. Discuss as a class a way to consistently measure each fire and the rate of spread.
Students compare the photos and identify the two sets of data they will examine, one set under controlled conditions and one set with their varied factor:
- Control: Undisturbed grassland
- Test: Undisturbed grassland (humid)
- Test: Grazed/Cut grassland
- Test: Grassland burned 12 months prior
- Test: Undisturbed grassland (windy)
- Test: Undisturbed grassland (wind change 1)
- Test: Undisturbed grassland (wind change 2)
- Control: Eucalyptus bushland
- Test: Eucalyptus bushland (10° uphill)
- Test: Eucalyptus bushland (10° downhill)
- Test: Eucalyptus Bushland (recently burned)
- Test: Eucalyptus Bushland (windy)
NOTE: There are two sets of 'unknown data' that can be used as part of the optional extension at the end of this lesson.
Provide students with a copy of Modelling fire travel Resource sheet.
- Where do you think the fires started? Where is the ignition point?
- What do you think the different lines on the graph represent?
- Each coloured shape represents the location of the fire front at 30 minute intervals.
- How could we measure how far the fire has spread from the ignition point in the first hour?
- Measure from the ignition point to the fire front at the second shape (2 x 30 minutes = 1 hour).
- How could we measure how far the fire has spread in the second hour?
- Measure from the second fire front (1 hour) to the fourth fire front (2 hours).
- How could we convert the distance measurement into a speed?
- The scale of each map is different. A ruler is needed to measure the length of the scale. A ratio formula is used to convert the cm into km. (Slide 59)
- How could we work out the direction of the fire spread?
- The top of the page is due north. The right-hand side is due east. The approximate direction can be determined using this method. The exact directions can be measured using a protractor to determine the angle from north.
✎STUDENT NOTES: Measure the speed the fire travels with the altered factor and without their factor (the control).
Bushfire behaviour
Bushfires are affected by the weather, topography and the available fuel.
Bushfire chemistry
Before the chemical reaction of combustion can occur in a bushfire, two preceding steps of thermal degradation and pyrolysis are required. As a fire approaches, the radiant heat causes the wood and debris to reach a high temperature. This thermal degradation leads to dehydration of the material and the breakdown of the cellulose and lignin. As further heat is released, pyrolysis causes the production of volatile gases and tar. If this continues, the plant matter can ignite, starting the process of combustion.
One of the main forms of fuel in Australia is the highly flammable eucalyptus trees whose oil is released during the process of thermal degradation stage. When these leaves and bark undergo pyrolysis, the result can be rapid and explosive.
A fire burns fast uphill because the flames can more easily reach the fuel in front of a fire. The radiant heat pre-heats the fuel, starting the degradation and pyrolysis process.
For every 10-degree slope, the speed the fire travels will double. For example, if the fire is travelling 10 km/hr on a flat surface, it will travel at 20 km/hr on a 10-degree slope. The fire will also increase its intensity as it travels faster.
The opposite is also true for a downward slope. For every 10-degree slope downwards, the speed a fire travels will halve.
A humid day means that there is more moisture in the air. This slows the process of degradation and pyrolysis, therefore slowing the spread of the fire. In windy conditions, there is a greater supply of oxygen available for combustion. In grassland, the wind can flow freely, increasing the rate of fire spread. In bushland, trees can disrupt the flow of wind (and oxygen). The relationship between the rate of spread and wind in bushland is not linear.
Bushfire chemistry
Before the chemical reaction of combustion can occur in a bushfire, two preceding steps of thermal degradation and pyrolysis are required. As a fire approaches, the radiant heat causes the wood and debris to reach a high temperature. This thermal degradation leads to dehydration of the material and the breakdown of the cellulose and lignin. As further heat is released, pyrolysis causes the production of volatile gases and tar. If this continues, the plant matter can ignite, starting the process of combustion.
One of the main forms of fuel in Australia is the highly flammable eucalyptus trees whose oil is released during the process of thermal degradation stage. When these leaves and bark undergo pyrolysis, the result can be rapid and explosive.
A fire burns fast uphill because the flames can more easily reach the fuel in front of a fire. The radiant heat pre-heats the fuel, starting the degradation and pyrolysis process.
For every 10-degree slope, the speed the fire travels will double. For example, if the fire is travelling 10 km/hr on a flat surface, it will travel at 20 km/hr on a 10-degree slope. The fire will also increase its intensity as it travels faster.
The opposite is also true for a downward slope. For every 10-degree slope downwards, the speed a fire travels will halve.
A humid day means that there is more moisture in the air. This slows the process of degradation and pyrolysis, therefore slowing the spread of the fire. In windy conditions, there is a greater supply of oxygen available for combustion. In grassland, the wind can flow freely, increasing the rate of fire spread. In bushland, trees can disrupt the flow of wind (and oxygen). The relationship between the rate of spread and wind in bushland is not linear.
The Inquire phase allows students to cycle progressively and with increasing complexity through the key science ideas related to the core concepts. Each Inquire cycle is divided into three teaching and learning routines that allow students to systematically build their knowledge and skills in science and incorporate this into their current understanding of the world.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to consider the knowledge and skills that students will need in the final Act phase. Consider what the students already know and identify the steps that need to be taken to reach the level required. How could you facilitate students’ understanding at each step? What investigations could be designed to build the skills at each step?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkFollowing an investigation, the Integrate routine provides time and space for data to be evaluated and insights to be synthesized. It reveals new insights, consolidates and refines representations, generalises context and broadens students’ perspectives. It allows student thinking to become visible and opens formative feedback opportunities. It may also lead to further questions being asked, allowing the Inquire phase to start again.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider the diagnostic assessment that was undertaken during the Launch phase. Consider if alternative conceptions could be used as a jumping off point to discussions. How could students represent their learning in a way that would support formative feedback opportunities? Could small summative assessment occur at different stages in the teaching sequence?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkUnderstanding fire
(Slide 61) Discuss/describe the rate of fire spread of the ‘control’ fire. There should be two sets, one of undisturbed grassland and one of undisturbed bushland.
- There were only two types of controls (undisturbed grassland and undisturbed bushland). How did the measurements different groups make compare?
- Why might there be some slight differences between the measurements of the same set of data?
- Parallax error – eye line not being directly over the ruler; inaccurate rulers; mistakes.
- What could we use to be more accurate?
- Some computer programs like the CSIRO Spark program have inbuild computer measurements that are more consistent – one person, one tool, and large sets of data over many years.
- Why might scientists run a model multiple times for the same settings?
- A larger sample size is used to check for anomalies.
Each group reports on how the behaviour of the fire changed in each of the conditions measured. They should provide their claim of how fire burns differently in the identified condition, the evidence that supports their claim, and reasoning that links the two. The Bushfire data Answers sheet provides suggested teacher answers.
✎STUDENT NOTES: Identify that:
- uphill topography burns faster—fuel that is uphill have the chance to dry out and therefore catches on fire quicker when the ignition is possible.
- downhill topography burns slower.
- humid environments burn slower—fuel needs to dry out before it can ignite.
- windy days provide more oxygen and burn faster—bushland disrupts the wind flow and is therefore slower than grassland.
- cut grassland burns less intensely and therefore burns slower.
- recent cultural burn means there is less dry fuel and therefore burns slower.
- older cultural burn means there is more regrowth, more fine fuel, burns faster.
Group the different conditions into three groups:
- topography (uphill, downhill)
- weather (humidity, wind)
- fuel (cultural burning and time since last burn)
(Slide 62) Explain that this is called the ‘Fire behaviour triangle’.

- How does the topography affect a fire?
- Uphill fires expose the next lot of fuel to heat which dries it out ready for quick combustion.
- How does a humid day affect a fire?
- Fuel needs to be dry to be able to ignite.
- How does having a previous fire affect the next fire?
- It depends on how recent the fire was. Recent previous fires reduce the amount of small light materials which means there is less ready fuel. If the fire was longer ago, then there is a lot of new fuel available to burn. (Slide 64-65)
Optional: (Slide 66) Provide students with a copy of the unknown bushfire conditions. These images show 2-3 different conditions in the same image. The background provides a hint of grassland or bushland. Measurement of the distance travelled by the fire fronts will allow students to identify changes in the topography, weather, or fuel.
Bushfire thunderstorms
Fire-generated thunderstorms can cause extreme winds, lightning, hail and tornadoes.
Australia has been experiencing more frequent and more severe bushfires in recent decades, including extremely dangerous cases where thunderstorms have been generated in the fire plumes. These fire-generated thunderstorms are sometimes referred to by scientists as pyrocumulonimbus, as a subtype of thunderstorm cloud, given that thunderstorm cloud types are classified as pyrocumulonimbus in meteorology. They were never documented and studied until relatively recently, with most of the known cases having occurred in recent decades. Fire-generated thunderstorms can cause severe hazards including extreme winds (strong enough to flip over a fire truck or rip roofs from buildings), lightning that can ignite new fires, hail, and tornadoes. The erratic and strong wind gusts that come from the thunderstorms can also influence the rate of spread of a fire, including based on changes in wind direction and speed as well as from transporting burning embers that land far ahead of the fire front and can ignite new fires (known as ‘spot fires’).
Fire-generated thunderstorms form due to a combination of several factors. They require a sufficiently large and intense fire to release enormous amounts of heat causing air to rise rapidly in the smoke plume. As the plume rises, the atmospheric pressure reduces and causes the plume air to expand and cool. If it cools enough, the moisture in the plume air can condense and form clouds. The condensation process causes energy to be released that warms the cloud. If the surrounding air is relatively cold, the cloud is buoyant and can rise. If this process is strong enough a thunderstorm can be generated in the fire plume which can sometimes result in hazards such as lightning, hail, and tornadoes. Additionally, the evaporation of rain falling from the cloud can cool the air making it relatively heavy. This can lead to intense downbursts of strong and erratic winds that can create dangerous on-ground conditions. These strong and erratic winds can lead to more unpredictable fire behaviour that can make it very hard, if not impossible, for firefighters to control the fire, as well as being very dangerous for firefighter safety.
Australia has been experiencing more frequent and more severe bushfires in recent decades, including extremely dangerous cases where thunderstorms have been generated in the fire plumes. These fire-generated thunderstorms are sometimes referred to by scientists as pyrocumulonimbus, as a subtype of thunderstorm cloud, given that thunderstorm cloud types are classified as pyrocumulonimbus in meteorology. They were never documented and studied until relatively recently, with most of the known cases having occurred in recent decades. Fire-generated thunderstorms can cause severe hazards including extreme winds (strong enough to flip over a fire truck or rip roofs from buildings), lightning that can ignite new fires, hail, and tornadoes. The erratic and strong wind gusts that come from the thunderstorms can also influence the rate of spread of a fire, including based on changes in wind direction and speed as well as from transporting burning embers that land far ahead of the fire front and can ignite new fires (known as ‘spot fires’).
Fire-generated thunderstorms form due to a combination of several factors. They require a sufficiently large and intense fire to release enormous amounts of heat causing air to rise rapidly in the smoke plume. As the plume rises, the atmospheric pressure reduces and causes the plume air to expand and cool. If it cools enough, the moisture in the plume air can condense and form clouds. The condensation process causes energy to be released that warms the cloud. If the surrounding air is relatively cold, the cloud is buoyant and can rise. If this process is strong enough a thunderstorm can be generated in the fire plume which can sometimes result in hazards such as lightning, hail, and tornadoes. Additionally, the evaporation of rain falling from the cloud can cool the air making it relatively heavy. This can lead to intense downbursts of strong and erratic winds that can create dangerous on-ground conditions. These strong and erratic winds can lead to more unpredictable fire behaviour that can make it very hard, if not impossible, for firefighters to control the fire, as well as being very dangerous for firefighter safety.
The Inquire phase allows students to cycle progressively and with increasing complexity through the key science ideas related to the core concepts. Each Inquire cycle is divided into three teaching and learning routines that allow students to systematically build their knowledge and skills in science and incorporate this into their current understanding of the world.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to consider the knowledge and skills that students will need in the final Act phase. Consider what the students already know and identify the steps that need to be taken to reach the level required. How could you facilitate students’ understanding at each step? What investigations could be designed to build the skills at each step?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkFollowing an investigation, the Integrate routine provides time and space for data to be evaluated and insights to be synthesized. It reveals new insights, consolidates and refines representations, generalises context and broadens students’ perspectives. It allows student thinking to become visible and opens formative feedback opportunities. It may also lead to further questions being asked, allowing the Inquire phase to start again.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider the diagnostic assessment that was undertaken during the Launch phase. Consider if alternative conceptions could be used as a jumping off point to discussions. How could students represent their learning in a way that would support formative feedback opportunities? Could small summative assessment occur at different stages in the teaching sequence?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkCultural burning
Describe the limitations of scientific models, including how information is limited by current data and understanding of the conditions. Current models are also backward-looking (based on previous data) and cannot reliably predict all future conditions.
- What things are included in this bushfire model?
- It is based on data from bushfires that have already occurred. It is only an approximation of what will happen.
- What things are not included in this bushfire model?
- New situations that might not have been recorded so far. For example, the impact of global warming and how plant growth might be affected.
Discuss how having a hot (prescribed) fire in the same area each year can change the environment. Use the example of burning a small patch of a local area every year and discuss how some of the bigger trees and other slow-growing plants would not have the chance to grow. Instead, fast-growing non-native plants (weeds) would grow.
- Do all species grow back strongly after fire?
- No. Some species grow back quickly, but others take a long time.
- If a species takes a long time to grow, how would it be affected by regular (yearly) fires?
- The species may not survive and could potentially become extinct.
- How would regular fires change a landscape?
- It may change the types of plants that grow in the area. Even fire-adapted plants need time to grow.
- Is it practical to burn the same area every year? Why or why not?
- Only fast-growing plants/weeds will survive and die back each year. This generates an even greater fuel load for fires in the future.
(Slide 67) Read the quote from Warren Foster, First Nations Elder of the Yuin people. Discuss what this might mean and how it is different from prescribed burning being to control/dominate the bushfire fuel. Introduce the term cultural burning (cultural practice use by First Nations peoples to improve the health of Country).
Pose the question: What is cultural burning? How do we know it improves the health of Country?
Discuss how some investigations use secondary data from previous records. Outline how to determine if the data is valid including identifying where the data came from, who produced it, why did they produce it, the sample size and the limitations.
Watch the video Tiwi Carbon Study: fire management for greenhouse gas abatement on the Tiwi islands (9:22). This video was produced by local First Nations people from the Tiwi Islands during one of their regular cultural events.
✎STUDENT NOTES: Describe the importance of reducing how often ‘burns’ happen in the Tiwi islands. Instead of one fire every 1-2 years, changing to one fire every 4-6 years results in four times more carbon in the soil.
- How does the Tiwi islands’ environment compare to the local environment in your area? (Focus on the differences.)
- Different environments have different types of plants that burn differently.
- What does it mean to say the Tiwi Islanders treat fire as a gift instead of a threat?
- Fire is used to replenish the environment and encourage growth.
- Why might it be good for the environment for the burns to happen less often?
- Less often means more carbon is stored in the plants and the soil is not damaged from hotter more frequent fires. one fire every 4-6 years means 4 times more carbon in soil and plants.
- What do you think happens to the good bacteria and fungi in the soil during a fire?
- It depends on the heat of the fire. A hot fire kills the bacterial and fungi in the soil. A cooler slower fire does much less damage.
Cultural burning
Cultural burning is part of the cultural practices of First Nations Peoples.
Cultural burning is different from prescribed/hazard reduction/planned/controlled burns. The latter usually involves setting fire along a line at the edge of a grassland or bushland area, known as back burning to many. The purpose of this hot fire is to reduce the amount of fuel that can burn in the area and it usually burns all the fuel in the area. This impact is temporary as the plants in the area rapidly regrow. When an area is burnt often, it can select plants with rapid growth cycles, which has the potential to rapidly increase the fuel load for future fires.
A cultural burn is part of the cultural practices of First Nations Peoples. It is important to notice the plurality of this. There are over 700 different cultural groups across Australia, all of whom use fire for different purposes.
Cultural burning can be used to:
- provide areas for good hunting.
- clean up campsites.
- control pest plants and animals.
- provide grassy pathways and walking tracks.
- encourage the growth of particular plants.
First Nations Australians consider fire a gift to Country and it is culturally significant to the community. In general, small spot fires are used in a mosaic pattern that allows the animals and insects to move out of the way and into the canopy. These fires are usually cooler so that it does not damage the soil or larger trees.
Local knowledge of when and how to burn is sometimes protected knowledge within a community. It is important not to make assumptions, and instead to respectfully work with your local First Nations People.
Cultural burning is different from prescribed/hazard reduction/planned/controlled burns. The latter usually involves setting fire along a line at the edge of a grassland or bushland area, known as back burning to many. The purpose of this hot fire is to reduce the amount of fuel that can burn in the area and it usually burns all the fuel in the area. This impact is temporary as the plants in the area rapidly regrow. When an area is burnt often, it can select plants with rapid growth cycles, which has the potential to rapidly increase the fuel load for future fires.
A cultural burn is part of the cultural practices of First Nations Peoples. It is important to notice the plurality of this. There are over 700 different cultural groups across Australia, all of whom use fire for different purposes.
Cultural burning can be used to:
- provide areas for good hunting.
- clean up campsites.
- control pest plants and animals.
- provide grassy pathways and walking tracks.
- encourage the growth of particular plants.
First Nations Australians consider fire a gift to Country and it is culturally significant to the community. In general, small spot fires are used in a mosaic pattern that allows the animals and insects to move out of the way and into the canopy. These fires are usually cooler so that it does not damage the soil or larger trees.
Local knowledge of when and how to burn is sometimes protected knowledge within a community. It is important not to make assumptions, and instead to respectfully work with your local First Nations People.
The Inquire phase allows students to cycle progressively and with increasing complexity through the key science ideas related to the core concepts. Each Inquire cycle is divided into three teaching and learning routines that allow students to systematically build their knowledge and skills in science and incorporate this into their current understanding of the world.
When designing a teaching sequence, it is important to consider the knowledge and skills that students will need in the final Act phase. Consider what the students already know and identify the steps that need to be taken to reach the level required. How could you facilitate students’ understanding at each step? What investigations could be designed to build the skills at each step?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkFollowing an investigation, the Integrate routine provides time and space for data to be evaluated and insights to be synthesized. It reveals new insights, consolidates and refines representations, generalises context and broadens students’ perspectives. It allows student thinking to become visible and opens formative feedback opportunities. It may also lead to further questions being asked, allowing the Inquire phase to start again.
When designing a teaching sequence, consider the diagnostic assessment that was undertaken during the Launch phase. Consider if alternative conceptions could be used as a jumping off point to discussions. How could students represent their learning in a way that would support formative feedback opportunities? Could small summative assessment occur at different stages in the teaching sequence?
Read more about using the LIA FrameworkExtrapolating cultural burning data
✎ STUDENT NOTES: Describe how there are many First Nations cultures across Australia and that we cannot extrapolate one type of cultural burn to the many different environments and communities on Country. (Slide 68)
- How many different First Nations Peoples’ communities are there across Australia?
- There are over 700 different First Nations Peoples’ communities across Australia.
- Can we extrapolate what we know from the Tiwi Islanders to the rest of Australia?
- All scientists need to be aware of assumptions such as taking data from one area and expanding/extrapolating it to another area.
- Will other parts of Australia respond to cultural burning in the same way?
- Just because Country responds to fire in this way in the Tiwi Islands does not mean it will respond in the same way in other parts of Australia.
- Does this cultural burning practice apply to all parts of Australia?
- Each community has some practices in common and many practices that are different.
- Why can’t we use this practice in other parts of Australia?
- The climate and weather in different parts of Australia can be very different. This changes the types of plants, animals, and biomass available.
- Why would scientists want to work with First Nations Peoples when researching bushfires?
- First Nations Peoples have lived in this environment for tens of thousands of years. The local People know the Country and how it will respond to a fire.
Reflect on the lesson
You might:
- review the conditions that affect a bushfire.
- summarise the information in the following videos
- re-examine the intended learning goals for the lesson and consider how they were achieved.
- discuss how scientific models are limited by current knowledge and understanding of events.